Hello Everyone!
You can find the weekly write up of Nothing In Particular where I am exploring my transition from a Touristic Mindset to that of a Flaneur. I very often tend to be blinded by my own plans and miss out on all the other options around me, some of which are more exciting / fun / rewarding than my imagination could ever weave. You can read the full article on Nothing in Particular.
Here are 3 things I found myself excited to share this week:
1- I stumbled across the idea of writing for one person through Maria Popova’s Brainpickings. It is one of the 8 tenets on writing by Kurt Vonnegut and something that comes very timely to me right now.
Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
This is true by extension to every art practice and in some cases the audience of one could just simply be you. Writing, drawing, playing music, singing, dancing — I’m amazed how it applies to every creative act.
2- The best way to understand Happiness is through doing quite the opposite. 7 Ways to Maximize Misery put more than a smile to my face. Its also the most effective advice on the topic of happiness I have come across.
3- Its monsoons in Goa and the grey skies day in - day out can bring a lot of gloom. Music helps and I am listening to the BGM of Animal Crossing, it keeps me in a chirpy mood without being obtrusive to my work. Khinsider is one of the few sites out there with a massive collection of music from games across the decades.
Thats all for this Friday! Thanks for reading! Hit me up if you found any of this useful!
Happy Weekend!